Deadlines are the worst when it comes to a college student. You feel like you have forever to complete an assignment, so you may push it away for a couple of days before it is due, but that, is a bad idea. The deadlines get closer before you even have time to process it!
Having a job that is helping you pay off the classes you are currently taking is the worst! You want to quit your job in order to have more time to finish your homework and meet those deadlines, but you also need that job because that's the only way to pay school. Being a full time student and full time employee can be difficult and stressful, but I have learned that school should and does come first. I have to finish my paperwork and meet my deadlines because that will determine my future job and career. Therefore, I manage to focus on school and complete everything a day before my deadlines, I must complete my assignments before it is too late and regret everything.
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